Irene Anggreeni

Get out of your head and into your body is The Leader's Path through Depression 🌾 Dance Therapy | Mental Wellness | Consulting | Mentoring



Certified dance therapist and mental wellness coach, Irene Anggreeni, helps fellow depression and trauma survivors unlock their body wisdom and rebuild their home within. So that they can move from merely surviving to a thriving, fuller life. As a survivor herself and former academic/engineer expat, she has 10+ years of firsthand experience navigating the path of recovery in her adopted country.

Her magical blend is creative embodiment, mindfulness, mindset/behavior change and peer support. Working with Irene means close support in taking actions consistently, with exciting possibilities to explore change in your own authentic and playful way!

Meet her in the workshops and activities she leads. Or jump right in and book a discovery call with Irene!

Leading A Business While Managing Depression / How to Uplift Depressive Emotions and Neg Self-Talk
Welcome FEAR - Start with These 3 Embodied Steps
Mini Experience Dance Therapy - How are you feeling right now?
Dance Therapy FAQ with Irene Anggreeni
Masterclass Day 2 Mind-Body Shifts to Transform Healing
Masterclass Day 1 Moving Beyond Survival Mode
3 Steps to Unlock Your Creative Body for High-Achiever Depression Survivors (Aug 27th, 2021)
Are you my ideal client?
Q&A: Who are you?
Q&A: What do you do, really?
Q&A: What's your highlight offer?
TESTIMONIAL From victim to survivor mindset - Emma's empowering transformation
TESTIMONIAL "Jumped to the deep end" and gently finding expression of his inner self
TESTIMONIAL From feeling alone to finding expression in our safe group!
TESTIMONIAL From feeling alien to growing in confidence!
TESTIMONIAL "Building myself from within again"